Google’s Android Earthquake Alerts System is an innovative approach


  • If your phone detects an earthquake, you will receive an alert with information about the earthquake
  • The earthquake alert will provide the estimated location and magnitude of the quake
  • The alert will also provide instructions on what to do in the event of an earthquake

Google has launched its Android Earthquake Alerts System in India, providing Android users with automatic early warning alerts when earthquakes occur in their vicinity. The system harnesses the power of Android smartphones, which are now equipped with tiny accelerometers that can function as mini seismometers.

To receive alerts, users must have active Wi-Fi and/or cellular data connectivity, as well as enable both Android Earthquake Alerts and location settings. Users who prefer not to receive these alerts can easily disable Earthquake

How to enable Android Earthquake Alerts on your Android phone:

  • Open the Settings app.
  • Search for “Earthquake alerts” and tap on it.
  • Toggle on the switch next to “Android Earthquake Alerts.”
  • If prompted, allow the system to access your location.

What to expect when you receive an earthquake alert:

If your phone detects an earthquake, you will receive an alert with information about the earthquake, including its estimated location and magnitude. The alert will also provide instructions on what to do in the event of an earthquake.

There are two types of earthquake alerts:

Be Aware Alert: This notification provides advance notice of light shaking and offers additional information upon tapping.

Take Action Alert: Designed to grab users’ attention before they experience moderate to heavy shaking, this alert prompts immediate action to ensure safety.

Why is it important to receive earthquake alerts?

Earthquakes can strike without warning, and early warning alerts can provide precious seconds to take protective action, such as dropping, covering, and holding on. Studies have shown that earthquake early warning systems can reduce casualties by up to 20%.

How can every Android user in India get this critical alert?

To ensure that every Android user in India can get this critical alert, it is important to spread the word about the Android Earthquake Alerts System and encourage users to enable alerts on their phones.

In a significant move aimed at enhancing earthquake preparedness and safety, Google has launched its Android Earthquake Alerts System in India. This groundbreaking technology leverages the sensors in Android smartphones, such as the accelerometer, to detect seismic activity and issue early warnings. Developed in consultation with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and the National Seismology Center (NSC), this system is set to become an invaluable tool for safeguarding lives and property in earthquake-prone regions.

How the Android Earthquake Alerts System Works

Google’s Android Earthquake Alerts System is an innovative approach to earthquake detection and early warning. It harnesses the power of millions of Android smartphones to function as miniature earthquake detectors. Here’s how it operates:

Accelerometer as a Seismograph: When your Android phone is stationary and charging, it utilizes its accelerometer to detect the initial signs of an earthquake. This sensor measures vibrations and movements.

Collaborative Detection: If multiple smartphones detect earthquake-like shaking simultaneously, Google’s server can discern that an earthquake is occurring, determining its location and magnitude.

Alert Dissemination: Following the detection, Google’s server sends alerts to nearby smartphones. Depending on the earthquake’s magnitude, two types of alerts are issued:

  • ‘Be Aware Alert’: Sent to users experiencing MMI (Modified Mercalli Intensity) 3 & 4 shaking during an earthquake of 4.5 or greater magnitude.
  • ‘Take Action Alert’: Sent to users experiencing MMI 5+ shaking during an earthquake of 4.5 or greater magnitude.

Alert Features: For stronger earthquakes, alerts override the phone’s Do Not Disturb settings, activate the screen, and emit a loud sound. The alerts also provide safety recommendations, such as taking cover under a table.

Speedy Alert Delivery: Google emphasizes that internet signals travel faster than earthquake shaking through the ground, ensuring that alerts often reach phones several seconds before severe shaking occurs.

Beyond Earthquake Alerts

Google’s collaboration with the NDMA goes beyond earthquake alerts. The company is committed to providing users with valuable information about natural disasters, including floods and storms, through Google Search and Maps. Users can easily access this information by searching for terms like “Earthquake near me” on Google.

How to Activate Android Earthquake Alerts

To benefit from the Android Earthquake Alerts System, Android users in India need to meet the following requirements:

  • Android 5 or higher.
  • An active internet connection.
  • Location settings turned on.

Here’s how to activate earthquake alerts:

  • Go to the Settings on your Android phone.
  • Tap “Safety & emergency” and then select “Earthquake alerts.” If you don’t find “Safety & emergency,” navigate to “Location” and then “Advanced,” followed by “Earthquake alerts.”
  • Toggle the “Earthquake alerts” option to turn it on or off.

Google ensures their alerts are user-friendly, presented in Indian languages supported by Android, and provide essential information about local earthquakes and safety measures through Google Search.


Google’s Android Earthquake Alerts System represents a significant step forward in disaster preparedness and early warning capabilities in India. By utilizing the widespread presence of Android smartphones, this technology can provide critical information to users, potentially saving lives in the event of an earthquake. With its collaborative approach and emphasis on safety, Google’s initiative serves as a commendable example of how technology can be harnessed for the greater good, particularly in regions prone to natural disasters.

Alerts in their device settings.


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