Tikhonova was sanctioned by the US and UK in April 2022, after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, for her work supporting the Russian defense ministry. In her remarks at the forum, she talked about innovation and eliminating the import of technologies related to the civil and military spheres.


The older daughter, Maria Vorontsova, who was also sanctioned, spoke in person at a panel on Friday about innovations in biotechnology and bioproduction. Vorontsova, an endocrinologist, was listed as a member of the Russian Association for the Promotion of Science.

Analysts believe some of Putin’s wealth may be hidden in the bank accounts of family members.

The anti-corruption foundation of late Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny said in January this year that according to their investigation, Vorontsova made more than $10 million between 2019 and 2022 as an employee of a medical company. CNN is not able to independently verify this claim.

Putin is very secretive about his daughters and family life, with some analysts believing it is because he wants to appear powerful and not show vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

The Russian president has previously said that his daughters are not involved in politics and live ordinary lives. Tikhonova reportedly once tried to pursue a career in acrobatic rock and roll.

Vorontsova reportedly married a Dutch businessman and the couple is said to have lived in a $3.3 million apartment in the Netherlands. A multimillion-dollar, eight-bedroom villa in Biarritz, France has been linked to Tikhonova. It was bought by her former husband, Kirill Shamalov.

The Kremlin has always denied rumours that Putin has more children outside of his former marriage who all appear to have lived in Western countries.